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Super Bowl Puts Hummer limousine in High Demand

The Superbowl XLVI  is gearing up. The big football event will be held in Indianapolis this year – and already reservations for limos, and especially for a Hummer limousine are very high. According to local limo business owners, demand is so high that they’ll be bringing in affiliates from out of state to help meet the…

LA Party Bus Rentals Remembers MLK

“You better let me ride in your limo“ an onlooker says to a limousine business owner at  today’s MLK parade in GA. It rings back a time in history where blacks and whites didnt sit together, share a ride in a bus or work on a project together. Years later, the dream is coming true…

Party Bus Los Angeles – Powered By Pedaling?

We can only dream! Party Bus Los Angeles  here we come — powered by pedaling! Maybe they’ll take off here, especially in summer months. A party bus powered by pedals is taking off in Florida and aims to service mostly passengers of pubs and bars. The party bus is powered by passenger pedaling and according…

Large Charter Bus Service Files Bankruptcy

Large Charter Bus Service Files Bankruptcy According to the ACC – Lexology, the buses for charter business, Coach AM Group Holdings has been forced to file for bankruptcy On January 3, 2012,  Coach Am Group Holdings Corp., along with certain of its affiliates (“Coach” and/or “Debtors”) filed petitions for bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District…

World’s Fastest Limousine Coming 2012

A UK Limo Broker is poised to unveil the world’s fastest limousine. The car will be available at the end of 2012. (video of world’s fastest limousine) From today’s car news; Limo Broker unveiled their plans to create the world’s first Audi R8 stretch limousine at last weekend’s Transport Broker Awards at the Celtic Manor Resort. Plans for the…

OCCUPY Charter Bus!

Occupy Wall Street has been gaining momentum for some time now. The 99% are attempting to take back their government and stop corporate greed from the1%’ers. All across the country we see groups of people gathering for one common purpose. Not just the locals are gathering in each location as one may think, but people…

Social Media Loves Party Bus Rentals in Los Angeles

Social Media Loves Party Bus Rentals in Los Angeles! Check out any of the social networks and there sure is a whole lotta’ partying going on. Specifically, people love tweeting and facebooking about their party bus experiences. One rapper posts ‘I’m gettin a party bus for my birthday” while another party-er tweets “I promised I…

Finding Quality Limo Drivers in Orange County

One of the most important factors when looking to rent a limo or party bus isn’t just the car, but hiring a quality limousine service that you can trust. Just today there was a report on a limo driver who was cited for a DUI and carrying a handgun without a permit over the Christmas holiday. Not…

Los Angeles Limo Service: Arrive in Style this Holiday Season!

This Holiday season why take a cab or pay too much for a rental car when you can arrive in style? Los Angeles Limo Service –  Party Bus Rentals for Less! SoCal Limos and Bus has extra great pricing going on through the holidays to get you to your destination in style with affordability! Whether you…

Tis’ the Season for a DUI

We all know that drinking and driving is against the law. Especially here in California, there is a zero tolerance policy of “buzzed driving IS drunk driving”. There are going to be TONS of DUI Checkpoints during the next two weeks! You could always stay home, but that’s no fun! Lots of people assume that the legal limit of .08…